Little Bastard Mac OS
In my tinkering with EFI I attempted to flash some backdoored firmware to a test MacBook that was kindly donated to science by a friend of mine. This resulted in the bastard doing the S.O.S. beeps and not booting, and it didn’t seem to be recoverable using the Firmware Restore CDs from Apple. I decided that since it was dead anyway I might as well try and recover it by re-flashing the firmware manually using the nifty Bus Pirate that I impulse-bought not long ago, and a copy of flashrom.
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First things first - an appropriate beer:
Next, I disassembled the MacBook with the help of the iFixit MacBook take apart guide (wasn’t exactly the right model, but close enough). Here’s the remains of the machine after I removed the logic board:

I had to hunt around on the board a bit to find the flash that contains the EFI firmware, but knowing the model number from when I bricked it helped. Found it!
Now that I’d found the flash I had to wire up the Bus Pirate and hope the chip would be programmable in-circuit without any hassles:
After a few false starts and some confusion with wiring between Bus Pirate versions, flashrom
detected the chip:
Looking good! So next I read back the dodgy firmware to make sure it looked like everything was working OK:
This took a good half hour plus, maybe 45 minutes. Apparently there are some recent Bus Pirate speedups for flashrom
but I didn’t wanna mess with it since it was working. A quick look at the firmware that was read back, and it looks OK compared to the original one that I read before flashing the dodgy one:
Time to write the original firmware back to the flash chip:
This took about 3 times as long as the read, as it had to read the flash back, erase the chip (which was pretty quick), write the new firmware, and then read the firmware back again to verify the write. After reassembling the machine:
My Little Bastard Game
It booted first go! I was honestly pretty surprised that I didn’t destroy something. Unfortunately the screen backlight is broken (which is why it was donated to science in the first place), so it’s a bit hard to see that it still works:
Little Bastard Mac Os 11
rules. Bus Pirate rules.
Little Bastard Mac Os Download
The Standard Roman character set, often called Mac OS Romanor MacRoman, is an 8-bit character set used in older Macintoshoperating systems to display Western characters. It has since beenreplaced by Unicode (UTF-8).
It is an extension of both US ASCII and earlier Mac OScharacter sets and is identical to ASCII for the first 128 characters.It also resembles the Latin-1 character set, including manyaccented characters and a number of additional symbols, though the twosets don't include all of the same symbols. Latin-1 and Mac OS Roman alsodiffer on the characters assigned to numbers. For example, smallletter 'a' with an acute accent (á) is decimal 225 in Latin-1,but is decimal 135 in Mac OS Roman.
The following table describes the Mac OS Roman character set, associatingthe decimal and hexadecimal equivalents with descriptionsof the characters. Also included are the keystrokes for all printingand a few non-printing characters used with Apple's US Englishkeyboard layout. Not all fonts can represent all characters, whilesome fonts will represent alternate characters.
Dec | Hex | Description | Keystrokes |
0 | 00 | null character | |
1 | 01 | start of heading | |
2 | 02 | start of text | |
3 | 03 | end of text | |
4 | 04 | end of transmission | |
5 | 05 | enquiry | |
6 | 06 | acknowledge | |
7 | 07 | bell | |
8 | 08 | backspace | |
9 | 09 | horizontal tabulation | |
10 | 0A | line feed | |
11 | 0B | vertical tabulation | |
12 | 0C | form feed | |
13 | 0D | carriage return | Return |
14 | 0E | Shift out | |
15 | 0F | Shift in | |
16 | 10 | data link escape | |
17 | 11 | device control one | |
18 | 12 | device control two | |
19 | 13 | device control three | |
20 | 14 | device control four | |
21 | 15 | negative acknowledge | |
22 | 16 | synchronous idle | |
23 | 17 | end of transmission block | |
24 | 18 | cancel | |
25 | 19 | end of medium | |
26 | 1A | substitute | |
27 | 1B | escape | Esc |
28 | 1C | file separator | |
29 | 1D | group separator | |
30 | 1E | record separator | |
31 | 1F | unit separator | |
32 | 20 | space | Spacebar |
33 | 21 | Shift-1 | |
34 | 22 | ' | Shift-' |
35 | 23 | # | Shift-3 |
36 | 24 | $ | Shift-4 |
37 | 25 | % | Shift-5 |
38 | 26 | & | Shift-7 |
39 | 27 | ' | ' |
40 | 28 | ( | Shift-9 |
41 | 29 | ) | Shift-0 |
42 | 2A | * | Shift-8 |
43 | 2B | + | Shift-= |
44 | 2C | , | , |
45 | 2D | - | - |
46 | 2E | . | . |
47 | 2F | / | / |
48 | 30 | 0 | 0 |
49 | 31 | 1 | 1 |
50 | 32 | 2 | 2 |
51 | 33 | 3 | 3 |
52 | 34 | 4 | 4 |
53 | 35 | 5 | 5 |
54 | 36 | 6 | 6 |
55 | 37 | 7 | 7 |
56 | 38 | 8 | 8 |
57 | 39 | 9 | 9 |
58 | 3A | : | Shift-; |
59 | 3B | ; | ; |
60 | 3C | < | Shift-, |
61 | 3D | = | = |
62 | 3E | > | Shift-. |
63 | 3F | ? | Shift-/ |
64 | 40 | @ | Shift-2 |
65 | 41 | A | Shift-a |
66 | 42 | B | Shift-b |
67 | 43 | C | Shift-c |
68 | 44 | D | Shift-d |
69 | 45 | E | Shift-e |
70 | 46 | F | Shift-f |
71 | 47 | G | Shift-g |
72 | 48 | H | Shift-h |
73 | 49 | I | Shift-i |
74 | 4A | J | Shift-j |
75 | 4B | K | Shift-k |
76 | 4C | L | Shift-l |
77 | 4D | M | Shift-m |
78 | 4E | N | Shift-n |
79 | 4F | O | Shift-o |
80 | 50 | P | Shift-p |
81 | 51 | Q | Shift-q |
82 | 52 | R | Shift-r |
83 | 53 | S | Shift-s |
84 | 54 | T | Shift-t |
85 | 55 | U | Shift-u |
86 | 56 | V | Shift-v |
87 | 57 | W | Shift-w |
88 | 58 | X | Shift-x |
89 | 59 | Y | Shift-y |
90 | 5A | Z | Shift-z |
91 | 5B | [ | [ |
92 | 5C | ||
93 | 5D | ] | ] |
94 | 5E | ^ | Shift-6 |
95 | 5F | _ | Shift-hyphen |
96 | 60 | ` | ` |
97 | 61 | a | a |
98 | 62 | b | b |
99 | 63 | c | c |
100 | 64 | d | d |
101 | 65 | e | e |
102 | 66 | f | f |
103 | 67 | g | g |
104 | 68 | h | h |
105 | 69 | i | i |
106 | 6A | j | j |
107 | 6B | k | k |
108 | 6C | l | l |
109 | 6D | m | m |
110 | 6E | n | n |
111 | 6F | o | o |
112 | 70 | p | p |
113 | 71 | q | q |
114 | 72 | r | r |
115 | 73 | s | s |
116 | 74 | t | t |
117 | 75 | u | u |
118 | 76 | v | v |
119 | 77 | w | w |
120 | 78 | x | x |
121 | 79 | y | y |
122 | 7A | z | z |
123 | 7B | { | Shift-[ |
124 | 7C | Shift- | |
125 | 7D | } | Shift-] |
126 | 7E | ~ | Shift-` |
127 | 7F | delete | Delete |
128 | 80 | Ä (A with diaeresis) | Option-u Shift-a |
129 | 81 | Å (A with ring) | Option-Shift-a |
130 | 82 | Ç (C with cedilla) | Option-Shift-c |
131 | 83 | É (E with acute accent) | Option-e Shift-e |
132 | 84 | Ñ (N with tilde) | Option-n Shift-n |
133 | 85 | Ö (O with diaeresis) | Option-u Shift-o |
134 | 86 | Ü (U with diaeresis) | Option-u Shift-u |
135 | 87 | á (a with acute accent) | Option-e a |
136 | 88 | à (a with grave accent) | Option-` a |
137 | 89 | â (a with circumflex) | Option-i a |
138 | 8A | ä (a with diaeresis) | Option-u a |
139 | 8B | ã (a with tilde) | Option-n a |
140 | 8C | å (a with ring) | Option-a |
141 | 8D | ç (c with cedilla) | Option-c |
142 | 8E | é (e with acute accent) | Option-e e |
143 | 8F | è (e with grave accent) | Option-` e |
144 | 90 | ê (e with circumflex) | Option-i e |
145 | 91 | ë (e with diaeresis) | Option-u e |
146 | 92 | í (i with acute accent) | Option-e i |
147 | 93 | ì (i with grave accent) | Option-` i |
148 | 94 | î (i with circumflex) | Option-i i |
149 | 95 | ï (i with diaeresis) | Option-u i |
150 | 96 | ñ (n with tilde) | Option-n n |
151 | 97 | ó (o with acute accent) | Option-e o |
152 | 98 | ò (o with grave accent) | Option-` o |
153 | 99 | ô (o with circumflex) | Option-i o |
154 | 9A | ö (o with diaeresis) | Option-u o |
155 | 9B | õ (o with tilde) | Option-n o |
156 | 9C | ú (u with acute accent) | Option-e u |
157 | 9D | ù (u with grave accent) | Option-` u |
158 | 9E | û (u with circumflex) | Option-i u |
159 | 9F | ü (u with diaeresis) | Option-u u |
160 | A0 | † (dagger) | Option-t |
161 | A1 | ° (degree) | Option-Shift-8 |
162 | A2 | ¢ (cent) | Option-4 |
163 | A3 | £ (pound sterling) | Option-3 |
164 | A4 | § (section) | Option-6 |
165 | A5 | • (bullet) | Option-8 |
166 | A6 | ¶ (pilcrow [paragraph sign]) | Option-7 |
167 | A7 | ß (small sharp s) | Option-s |
168 | A8 | ® (registered trademark) | Option-r |
169 | A9 | © (copyright) | Option-g |
170 | AA | ™ (trademark) | Option-2 |
171 | AB | ´ (acute accent) | Option-e |
172 | AC | ¨ (diaeresis) (umlaut) | Option-u |
173 | AD | not equal to | Option-= |
174 | AE | Æ (AE ligature) | Option-Shift-' |
175 | AF | Ø (O with slash) | Option-Shift-o |
176 | B0 | infinity | Option-5 |
177 | B1 | ± (plus or minus) | Option-Shift-= |
178 | B2 | less than or equal to | Option-, |
179 | B3 | greater than or equal to | Option-. |
180 | B4 | ¥ (yen) | Option-y |
181 | B5 | µ (micro) | Option-m |
182 | B6 | partial differential | Option-d |
183 | B7 | summation | Option-w |
184 | B8 | product (capital pi) | Option-Shift-p |
185 | B9 | small pi | Option-p |
186 | BA | integral | Option-b |
187 | BB | ª (feminine ordinal) | Option-9 |
188 | BC | º (masculine ordinal) | Option-0 |
189 | BD | ohm (omega) | Option-z |
190 | BE | æ (ae ligature) | Option-' |
191 | BF | ø (o with slash) | Option-o |
192 | C0 | ¿ (inverted question mark) | Option-Shift-? |
193 | C1 | ¡ (inverted exclamation mark) | Option-1 |
194 | C2 | ¬ (not) | Option-l |
195 | C3 | square root | Option-v |
196 | C4 | ƒ (small script f) | Option-f |
197 | C5 | almost equal to | Option-x |
198 | C6 | increment (delta) | Option-j |
199 | C7 | « (left pointing guillemet) | Option- |
200 | C8 | » (right pointing guillemet) | Option-Shift- |
201 | C9 | … (horizontal ellipsis) | Option-; |
202 | CA | (non-breaking space) | Option-Spacebar |
203 | CB | À (A with grave accent) | Option-` Shift-a |
204 | CC | Ã (A with tilde) | Option-n Shift-a |
205 | CD | Õ (O with tilde) | Option-n Shift-o |
206 | CE | Œ (OE ligature) | Option-Shift-q |
207 | CF | œ (oe ligature) | Option-q |
208 | D0 | – (endash) | Opt-hyphen |
209 | D1 | — (emdash) | Option-Shift-hyphen |
210 | D2 | “ (left double quote) | Option-[ |
211 | D3 | ” (right double quote) | Option-Shift-[ |
212 | D4 | ‘ (left single quote) | Option-] |
213 | D5 | ’ (right single quote) | Option-Shift-] |
214 | D6 | ÷ (division) | Option-/ |
215 | D7 | lozenge | Option-Shift-v |
216 | D8 | › (y with diaeresis) | Option-u y |
217 | D9 | Ÿ (Y with diaeresis) | Option-u Shift-y |
218 | DA | fraction slash | Option-Shift-1 |
219 | DB | € (euro) | Option-Shift-2 |
220 | DC | Option-Shift-3 | |
221 | DD | › (right pointing single guillemet) | Option-Shift-4 |
222 | DE | Option-Shift-5 | |
223 | DF | þ (small fl ligature [small thorn)] | Option-Shift-6 |
224 | E0 | ‡ (double dagger) | Option-Shift-7 |
225 | E1 | · (middle dot) | Option-Shift-9 |
226 | E2 | ‚ (low single quote) | Option-Shift-0 |
227 | E3 | „ (low double quote) | Option-Shift-w |
228 | E4 | ‰ (per mille) | Option-Shift-r |
229 | E5 | Â (A with circumflex) | |
230 | E6 | Ê (E with circumflex) | Option-i Shift-e |
231 | E7 | Á (A with acute accent) | Option-Shift-y or Option-e Shift-a |
232 | E8 | Ë (E with diaeresis) | Option-u Shift-e |
233 | E9 | È (E with grave accent) | Option-` Shift-e |
234 | EA | Í (I with acute accent) | |
235 | EB | Î (I with circumflex) | Option-Shift-d or Option-i Shift-i |
236 | EC | Ï (I with diaeresis) | |
237 | ED | Ì (I with grave accent) | Option-` Shift-i |
238 | EE | Ó (O with acute accent) | Option-Shift-h or Option-e Shift-o |
239 | EF | Ô (O with circumflex) | |
240 | F0 | Apple Computer logo | Option-Shift-k |
241 | F1 | Ò (O with grave accent) | Option-Shift-l or Option-` Shift-o |
242 | F2 | Ú (U with acute accent) | |
243 | F3 | Û (U with circumflex) | Option-i Shift-u |
244 | F4 | Ù (U with grave accent) | Option-` Shift-u |
245 | F5 | i without a dot | Option-Shift-b |
246 | F6 | ˆ (circumflex accent) | Option-Shift-i |
247 | F7 | ˜ (tilde accent) | Option-Shift-n |
248 | F8 | ¯ (macron) | Option-Shift-, |
249 | F9 | breve | Option-Shift-. |
250 | FA | dot accent | Option-h |
251 | FB | ring | Option-k |
252 | FC | ¸ (cedilla accent) | Option-Shift-z |
253 | FD | double acute accent | Option-Shift-g |
254 | FE | ogonek | Option-Shift-x |
255 | FF | hacek | Option-Shift-t |
Little Bastard Mac OS